Nau mai, haere mai!
Welcome to Te Piki Oranga
Te Piki Oranga is a Māori primary health provider for Te Tauihu o Te Waka-a-Māui (the Top of the South). We deliver a range of health and wellbeing services on behalf of regional and national health partners.
Our qualified kaimahi (staff) create a supportive environment for whānau, providing high-quality and accessible services that are consistent with the concepts of whānau ora and tino rangatiratanga (self-reliance and independence).
We operate from three regional hubs in Wairau (Blenheim), Whakatū (Nelson) and Motueka and have mobile services also.
Mihi (greetings)
E ngā mana e ngā reo e ngā karangamaha i tautoko nei
te āhuatanga o te wā tēnā koutou.
Ki te hunga kua moe, nā rātou i whakatōkia mai ai ki te ngākau ko te reo me ōna tikanga, ka tangi.
Ki a koutou moe mai okioki ai.
Ki a koutou te hunga ora tēnā koutou katoa.
Te ao hurihuri te ao huri ai ki tona tauranga:Te ao rapu;
ko te huripoki e huri nei i runga i te taumata o te kaha.
Ko tēnei te mahere ki whakawhanake ai ngā mahi
o Te Piki Oranga ki te ahu whakamua.
Mauri ora!
Find out about our kaimahi who are working together in order to realise the aspirations and dreams of the organisation.
If you are passionate about improving health outcomes for Māori and want to be part of Te Piki Oranga whānau, we would love to hear from you.
Find out about our wide range of free health services and programmes from our health hubs in Whakatū, Wairau and Motueka.
How to get protection against COVID-19, flu, measles, mumps rubella and more.
Our specialist Tamariki Ora nurses are here to support the whānau of pēpi and young tamariki.
Find out about Te Piki Oranga's latest news and events and browse available publications.
Find out about how you can contact our organisation and the location of our health hubs for Te Tauihu o Te Waka a Māui (the top of the South).