Ngā piringa me ngā herenga / Relationships and contracts
Jasmine and her taitamaiti in a new home secured with the support of Manu Ora
The contracts, agreements and collaborative partnerships Te Piki Oranga holds with government and non-government organisations are key to achieving our kitenga and taukī whakatakatanga.
By working with other organisations we can take services and support deeper into our communities. For some organisations, having Te Piki Oranga as a partner or provider means whānau benefit more fully – we often support in ways that other providers cannot. Some whānau are referred to us. And some whānau we refer to hospital or specialist care, advocating for them and helping them navigate the system.
We describe our contracts and collaborative partnerships in greater detail in our annual reports.
Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough
Te Piki Oranga is contracted by Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough to provide a wide range of kaupapa Māori health and wellness services across mental health and addictions, personal health, Well Child Tamariki Ora, health social work and more.
Oranga Tamariki
Te Piki Oranga provides a health assessment service to rangatahi referred to us by Oranga Tamariki.
Waka Kotahi
Te Piki Oranga to provide He Tangata, our award-winning driver licensing programme that increases whānau independence and wellbeing with support of a Waka Kotahi contact..
Salvation Army and the Male Room
We work with the Salvation Army and The Male Room to deliver the Housing First Programme in Nelson Tasman. The goal is that homelessness should be brief, rare and non-recurring.
Nelson Community Food Bank Trust
The Nelson Community Food Bank is one of the main providers of food assistance in the Nelson area. The charity works closely with other regional community agencies, including Te Piki Oranga, Whakatū Marae, Te Korowai Trust and St Vincent de Paul.
Community Corrections – Ara Poutama Aotearoa
Te Piki Oranga contributes to the Tikanga Māori Wānanga programme with the Department of Corrections. This programme helps to reduce the rate of Māori re-offending through participation in both mainstream and tikanga-based motivational, rehabilitative and reintegrative programmes.
New Zealand Police – Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa
Te Piki Oranga contributes to the Te Pae Oranga Iwi Community Panels programme. The panels are an alternative to court proceedings for minor offending by people aged 17 years and older.
As a valued sponsor of Te Piki Oranga, Sealord helps bridge a critical gap by funding whānau travel to important health appointments, such as hospital-based dialysis treatment.
Primary and community health and wellbeing partners
Te Piki Oranga has strong, effective relationships with Nelson Bays Primary Health, Marlborough Primary Health, Nelson Tasman Pasifika Community Trust and Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Trust.
Manu Ora
Manu Ora is a Wairau-based primary healthcare team established in August 2021 as a registered charity and joint venture between Te Piki Oranga and Nuku Health.