By Rachelle Tauroa – Mātanga Hangarau
Whaea Jane du Feu at Matariki 2024.
This year our Waimeha team hosted Matariki for kaimahi. We started the day at the Nelson Provincial Museum to immerse ourselves in the ‘Te Tuhi o te Whenua: Pakohe Unearthed’ exhibition.
Pakohe (or argillite) is a Ngāti Kuia and Te Tauihu taonga and this was the first time pakohe has been publicly celebrated locally. The exhibition was fascinating on many levels – from learning about the whakapapa of trading pakohe, to the artisans of taonga and seeing the taonga from across the motu in one place.
The cariation (colours) in the stone are amazing and seeing pakohe under the microscope – it almost looks alive! I loved the stunning, contemporary uses of pakohe in jewellery and sculptural art, such as an axe made entirely of pakohe.
After the exhibition the team headed to the Trafalgar Centre, by the awa Mahitahi (Maitai) for lunch. We were welcomed in with a karanga from whaea Jane du Feu with Gaynor Rikihana-Tākao responding followed by a waerea (a protection karakia). Then we had kai, presentations, performances and cake cutting.
At ‘Te Tuhi o te Whenua: Pakohe Unearthed’ exhibition.