Sarai and Māreikura
Sarai Tuhua lives in Whakatū, Nelson – a long way from her family in Rotorua. When her fourth child Māreikura was born she sought out kaupapa Māori support through the Tamariki Ora service.
This was the start of her relationship with specialist nurse and lactation consultant Debbie Kotua, who became Sarai’s clinician when Māreikura was a few weeks old.
“I wanted to have a kaupapa Māori health service looking after me and my newborn this time round,” says Sarai.
“I don’t have much whānau here in Nelson, and I felt this was really important for me. The service Debbie provided turned out to be the best I’ve experienced. It just made me feel so comfortable even though I’m a long way from my own whānau.”
Sarai loved the way Debbie came to her house for appointments.
“I didn’t have to pick up my newborn and take her out to a clinic – Debbie visited me in my home which really helped.”
Sarai had a lower milk supply than she’d experienced with her previous children. She worried that Māreikura was not gaining weight and needed reassurance that everything was OK.
“It just was not as easy as with the other three, and I did get a bit panicky.”
Debbie helped with close supervision and monitoring of both māmā and pēpi, and had plenty of tips and advice on breastfeeding and nutrition.
“Debbie visited whenever I needed her, and she really went the extra mile. She was accessible by phone, even if she couldn’t get to see me.
“She watched me feed, gave me information on different recipes to help boost my supply, and built my confidence up that everything was OK. She was very non-judgemental – I felt very comfortable when she visited me in my house.”
Sarai said one of the biggest advantages of using a kaupapa Māori service was Debbie’s awareness of Sarai’s needs and how best to help her manage any problems.
“Debbie was just like an auntie – in fact I think Māreikura thinks she is an auntie! She made me feel like my child was special, even though I know she has many others to look after!”
Māreikura is now two and a half years old. Debbie is still available for the toddler’s Well Child checks and she and Sarai keep in touch by phone and text in between visits.
“Debbie is fabulous,” says Sarai. “She’s just very good at her job!”