Ngā ratonga ki te manawa o te whenua
Heartland Services
Access to Government and community services for rural whānau. Te Piki Oranga is a provider of Heartland Services for whānau in the rural and remote regions of Marlborough, including:
Waitohi / Picton
Tōtaranui / Marlborough Sounds
Ratonga whainga - about Heartland Services
Our Te Piki Oranga Heartland coordinators can help you access government and community services, in collaboration with Waikawa Marae.
We offer:
access and assistance with technology: email, printing, photocopying, scanning, phones and internet
support with accessing government and community service forms, applications and websites
a place to meet with government and community service staff, kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) or via videoconferencing
Te Piki Oranga acknowledges Te Ātiawa o te Waka-a-Māui as the owners and kaitiaki of the land and buildings we are working from.
Download and print an information sheet about this service.
See the Heartland Services website for information about service hubs in other regions, such as Takaka and the West Coast.
Whakaurunga paearu - how to access
Visit our service hub:
22 High St, Waitohi / Picton
Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm
Phone us: 0800 672 642 or 03 577 5806
Email us:
Video-conferencing: You can access services and support by video-conference (eg Zoom or Skype) also. Contact us to arrange this.
Ngā hui ā whakawātea me ngā rōpū tautoko - drop-in sessions and support groups
Some government and community service staff are available at our service hub.
These are listed below in alphabetical order. Click the name of the service or the plus sign to read more.
An employment consultant from APM Work Assist is available twice a week, to help anyone looking for work.
Fridays: 11am to 3pm
Visit the hub on 22 High St, Picton or arrange to join by video-conference, by contacting Te Piki Oranga using the details on this webpage.
Available Wednesday's 11am to 3pm. 1 hour appointments.
A Māori liaison/caseworker from Community Law Marlborough is available by appointment, via Te Piki Oranga using the contact details on this webpage.
They can advise on: Māori Land Court, privacy, protection and restraining orders, youth and employment, and more.
Ang Wilson from Connected is available at the Heartland Services every Tuesday from 10am to 2pm.
Connected is a government service whose website makes makes it easier to explore jobs, study, training or business support.
Connected, and Ang, can provide support and information about:
• finding a job
• study and training options, including apprenticeships
• careers advice
• finding staff
• business support
Every Monday 10am to 12pm. 1-hour appointments.
A system of hands-on healing that creates a very special therapeutic relationship between client and practitioner. Its uses gentle and nurturing techniques to correct energy flow over the body.
Available every third Wednesday of the month from 10am to 3pm. The dates are:
Appointments are required, using the contact details on this webpage.
Every Tuesday & Thursday 9am to 10am.
Relaxing movement for people of any age.
Whānau Ora service navigators from Waikawa Marae provide coaching, advocacy and brokerage services for whānau to create and implement their own whānau ora plans.
Please enquire about this service using the contact details on this webpage.
Thursday - every second week from 1pm to 4pm.
Kaimahi (staff) from Marlborough Women’s Refuge will onsite to awhi with anything you may need including answering any pātai (question).
5th December
19th December
Available on the last Tuesday of each month from 10am to 12 noon.
Appointments are required, using the contact details on this webpage.
Available the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month 10am to 12 pm.
Helping connect locals to volunteer work.