Te Puna Hauora
Māori Community Health Service
The kaupapa of Te Puna Hauora is to support your self-management of long-term conditions:
lung disease (eg chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
heart disease
Our nurses, social workers, counsellors, pūkenga manaaki (navigators) and allied health workers offer an integrated service, placing you and your whānau at the centre.
This is a mobile service – our kaimahi come to where you are.
Mō mātou kaimahi - about our kaimahi
How our Te Puna Hauora nurses care for you
Our highly-qualified nurses will work with you and your whānau to:
identify any risk of lung disease, diabetes, heart disease and cancer
assess and diagnose health conditions, and offer follow-up care
create a specific care plan with you and your whānau, such as a diabetes management plan. Other healthcare professionals, such as your hospital specialist or family doctor (GP) might be involved in the care plan also.
co-ordinate cancer screening and offer advocacy and support throughout your cancer treatment journey
refer you to and help co-ordinate other necessary healthcare, eg nutrition advice, podiatry services or vision (eyesight) tests.
monitor your health by providing tests (eg blood glucose tests) and by checking your weight, blood pressure and peak flow
offer health advice and education.
About our Pūkenga Manaaki service
Our Pūkenga Manaaki navigators are useful people to talk to at in any point of your healthcare journey with Te Piki Oranga.
They help you access the health system, and will often be the connecting link between you and other healthcare professionals (in hospital services for example). Our qualified navigators help improve your health outcomes by providing:
help to access the most appropriate medical and healthcare facilities
a smooth (as possible) transition between services
transport when you need it
culturally-appropriate support and advocacy
relevant health education
links and consultation between whānau, community and service agencies
About our kaimahi-a-iwi – community social workers
Kaimahi-a-iwi social workers across Te Piki Oranga services and other support services and government agencies. Their job is to ensure that you and your whānau are able to cope throughout your healthcare journey. They can help you access:
budgeting advice and financial support
family support and childcare
everyday or emergency social services
grief and loss counselling and trauma care
family violence services
terminal illness and palliative care
Kaimahi-a-iwi social workers are connected to, and connect you to, helpful people who work in the following organisations:
housing (Kainga Ora)
NZ Police
dental services
employment services
Oranga Tamariki
youth services
Te Puni Kokiri
hospital services
other community-based agencies
Whakaurunga whainga - How to access Te Puna Hauora services
Your GP (doctor) or other healthcare provider can refer you to Te Puna Hauora. You can also:
Phone: 0800 ORANGA (672642)
Email: admin@tpo.org.nz
Use our online self-referral form: www.tpo.org.nz/refer-someone
Visit: A Te Piki Oranga health hub in Whakatū / Nelson, Wairau / Marlborough or Motueka.